Get involved, sign up for an OPA Leadership Team!
Elections for the OPA Convocation and Honor Society will take place August 19th, 2010. Please e-mail your name, phone number and position (see below) you are interested in running for to opachampions@gmail.com by August 1, 2010.
The OPA Convocation will be established to further the involvement of parents and guardians in their children’s educational program. This committee will be made up of 13 members with 6 elected parent positions :
Director of Educational Services, Director of Operations, four (4) teachers, one (1) non-certificated staff member, and six (6) parents (including one (1) from each of the following parent groups: English Language Learners, GATE, and Special Education).
The responsibilities of this committee include:
- Developing, promoting, and evaluating educational initiatives;
- Collaborating with stakeholders regarding school wide needs assessment;
- Establishing and maintaining partnerships with the community and;
Regularly consulting with parents/guardians under the direction of the Director of Educational Services, regarding the school's educational program, as required by Education Code 47605.

The PFA known as the “The Honor Society” will be made of the following elected positions;
President-Presides at meetings, coordinates work of officers and committees, prepares agenda, etc.
Executive Vice-President- Assists President, coordinates, volunteers, fills in for President when needed
Vice-president of Fundraising –Coordinates fundraisers and oversees fundraising committees
Vice-president of Development- Serves as spirit wear and ongoing fundraisers coordinator
Vice-President of Public Relations- Coordinates service projects, oversees disaster preparedness program, coordinates all public relations
Vice President of Finance & Operations- Chief Financial Officer, administers banking account, prepares tax returns
Recording Secretary- Keeps records of meetings, presents minutes, maintains notebook for members
Corresponding Secretary- Send thank you notes to volunteers, notifies members of upcoming meetings
Auditor- Obtains financial books bi-annually for audit, presents report to the board, assists in tax returns
Parliamentarian- Advises officers of by-laws and procedures, coordinates snack schedule, assists in vote tallying
Historian- Preserves records of activities and achievements of school, coordinates photography
Deans of Committee-Serves as chairperson of committees such as, but not limited to, Fundraising, spritwear, book fair, memory book, room parents.
Please e-mail your name, phone number and position you are interested in running for to opachampions@gmail.com by August 1, 2010. Elections will be held August 19, 2010.
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